Attention! High-Ticket Closers Sick Of Losing ‘Easy’ Sales…

‘Groundbreaking NEW Book Reveals The Inside Secrets For Overcoming Your ‘Sales Blindspots’ To Catapult Your Closing Rate With An Elite Sales System So Powerful, Prospects Close Themselves!’

"...Adam's methodology works and works fast"
Oren Klaff
Bestselling author of ‘Pitch Anything’ and ‘Flip The Script.’

Finally STOP Losing Sales Using The Power Of Science-Based Buyer Psychology For Higher Closing Rates & Greater Commissions Guaranteed!

From The Desk Of Adam Cerra
High-Ticket Sales Mentor For Some Of The Biggest Experts In The World
Dear Closer,

If you’ve been in high-ticket sales for some time now and you’re STILL struggling to hit your sales targets and make ends meet…

Constantly getting objections like….

‘I need to think about it’ or

‘I don't have the budget right now’ or 

‘I'll get back to you later’...

Or the ultimate sales killer ‘I need to speak to my partner/spouse’...

Let me reassure you that It’s NOT your fault.

Here’s the thing - if like most closers you’ve done a ton of training programs and courses but you’re finding even so-called ‘easy sales’ are STILL slipping through the cracks…

Then it’s highly likely you’ve got what I call ‘sales blindspots’ that you’re probably completely unaware of…

In fact, there are 10 sales blindspots that could be sabotaging your success as a high-ticket closer…

Robbing you of potentially thousands of dollars every month in additional commissions…

This includes things like:

  • Wasting time ‘rapport building’ so prospects ‘like you’
  • ​Not doing a thorough deep-dive into a prospects’ situation
  • ​No idea on how to create urgency without using high-pressure sales tactics
  • ​Letting prospects take over the call (and not being able to get your authority back!)
  • ​Coming across as ‘meek’ and a ‘pushover’ with no real authority
  • ​Being clueless on WHY you’re losing ‘supposedly easy’ sales
  • ​Inconsistent and unpredictable closing rates - and you’ve no idea why!
  • ​Your closing rate change daily depending on your mood
You get the idea! 

Hey, I’m Adam Cerra, and over the last 20 years, I’ve personally closed over $40m worth of high-ticket programs using an elite system you won’t find anywhere else…

My current team of closers are doing over one million a month in sales for our clients that include some of the best experts, influencers and thought leaders in the world.

Over the years, I’ve lost count of the number of sales teams I’ve personally trained using my revolutionary 5 step signature system - Inverse Closing Method™.

I developed this system after spending years facing constant rejections, having the phone slammed down on me, and being ghosted by prospects who I thought were certain to buy. 

I was sick of losing sales…

Tired of being ghosted…

Frustrated at wasting time on calls that didn’t convert when they should have been an easy ‘yes’…

Continuously hearing the “I need to think about it” objection…

And I was fed up of the unpredictability and inconsistency in my closing rates - one day they were good… the next day they were down… 

… and I had no idea why.

I knew there had to be a better way to close - in a way that felt good for both me AND my prospects while giving me consistency in both my sales and my income.

That’s why I stopped doing what everyone else was doing and started focusing on the deeper psychology of my prospects instead.

Despite the advances in the online world, it’s crazy to see that traditional selling hasn't changed much - but buyers have.

Today, they’re incredibly sophisticated and can smell a sale a mile off… and that’s usually more than enough to send them running in the opposite direction - FAST!

My Inverse Closing Method™ is radically different - in fact, it’s the secret sauce behind my success.

The Inverse Closing Method™:

A NEW Approach To Closing High-Ticket

Like I mentioned earlier, there are 10 sales blindspots that could potentially mess up a sale… 

The reality is that when you don’t know what you’re doing wrong, you lose sales faster than a leaky bucket!

My Inverse Closing Method™ is specifically designed to help you overcome each sales blindspot due to its systemized approach to selling.

It’s a refreshingly different approach to helping you confidently get on calls to consistently and predictably close leads without resorting to high-pressure sales tactics…

And without worrying whether or not you’ll hit your sales targets this month!

Even in ‘difficult’ markets with typically low conversion rates, my Inverse Closing Method™ has enabled closers to double, triple and even quadruple their closing rate!

It works because of ‘Dynamic Behaviour Shifting’ that subtly (but powerfully) changes your prospect's behaviour so buying becomes a natural conclusion of the sales process. 

Even better, you don’t need to resort to convincing or pressurizing prospects to buy with things like fake scarcity and urgency.

Instead, it helps prospects make an empowered buying decision where they’ll even thank you for helping them…

And all without any ‘old school’ rapport building, objection handling or any of the other inferior tactics most sales ‘gurus’ teach.
My Inverse Closing Method™ is so successful, prospects close themselves™!

My Inverse Closing Method™ is so successful, prospects close themselves™!

Ethically ‘Rig The Sales Game’ In YOUR Favour…

If you’ve been closing high-ticket sales for a while now and you flip between good months and bad months, it means you haven’t fully mastered the art of closing. 

Perhaps you’ve even hired a coach or taken additional programs to help you - and have seen mediocre results at best…

Here’s the brutal truth:

Without a complete end-to-end system based on buyer psychology that shows you how to powerfully overcome every single sales blindspot so you KNOW what to do every step of the way…

It’s actually really tough to see consistency in your commissions.

You’ll continue to leak sales without ever knowing why…
Worse, if you don’t level-up your closing skills drastically, you’ll always lose out to closers who are more skilled than you - period!

I don’t need to tell you the best closers take the lion’s share of calls - and of course commissions… 

It can leave you struggling to make enough… while making you look as if you’ve been slacking off!

The reality is everyone aspires to be the best closer in the room, but unless you have a system in place to help you, it’s not going to happen.

Ethically ‘Rig The Sales Game’ In YOUR Favour…

If you’ve been closing high-ticket sales for a while now and you flip between good months and bad months, it means you haven’t fully mastered the art of closing. 

Perhaps you’ve even hired a coach or taken additional programs to help you - and have seen mediocre results at best…

Here’s the brutal truth:

Without a complete end-to-end system based on buyer psychology that shows you how to powerfully overcome every single sales blindspot so you KNOW what to do every step of the way…

It’s actually really tough to see consistency in your commissions.

You’ll continue to leak sales without ever knowing why…
Worse, if you don’t level-up your closing skills drastically, you’ll always lose out to closers who are more skilled than you - period!

I don’t need to tell you the best closers take the lion’s share of calls - and of course commissions… 

It can leave you struggling to make enough… while making you look as if you’ve been slacking off!

The reality is everyone aspires to be the best closer in the room, but unless you have a system in place to help you, it’s not going to happen.

Applying my Inverse Closing Method™ is like ‘ethically rigging the sales game in YOUR favour’, meaning you’ll:

  • Double, triple or even quadruple your current closing rate consistently (and make you look like a ‘sales prodigy’ in the process!)
  • ​Become a highly respected and sought-after closer that gets insane results (clients will be falling over themselves to hire you AND you’ll no longer play second-fiddle to the top closers in your team)
  • Skyrocket your income and maximise commissions without leaving money on the table every month
  • Confidently work around existing commitments without feeling the pressure to hit sales targets
  • ​Live the ultimate ‘laptop lifestyle’, other people only dream about 
  • ​Dramatically increase freedom and flexibility to live life on your own terms
  • Stop worrying about the future as you’ll always be in demand!

My NEW Book Will Help You Change The Trajectory of Your Life!

Let me level with you here…

I’ve had countless clients pay me over 6 figures to train their teams…

Plus I’ve had independent closers and people from traditional sales backgrounds practically beg me to train them in my Inverse Closing ™System.

My current team of high-ticket closers are doing over a £1m/month closing deals for some of the best known influencers on the planet…

And all while taking home an EASY 8-10k in commissions per month. 

In my humble opinion, I firmly believe the sales industry needs a shakeup… 

The old ‘high-pressure’ ways are outdated and don’t work anymore, failing to give you the freedom you want as a high-ticket closer…
And despite the advances in marketing and just about every other industry out there, I feel sales has largely stayed the same.

This needs to change - which is exactly why I wrote my book: ‘The High-Ticket Revolution: From Zero To Six Figures - A Closer’s Journey To Wealth’...

In it, I dive deep into my Inverse Closing ™Method, showing you how to close like a boss using a proven system to create financial freedom FAST!

More importantly, it will give you the roadmap to success, showing you how to confidently navigate your sales blindspots so you can close more, earn more and skyrocket your commissions at warp-speed!

Here’s what you’ll discover inside this groundbreaking NEW book:


High-ticket closing is NOT like traditional selling since it relies on a completely different process

Here’s what you’ll discover in this chapter:
  • The #1 greatest reason why traditional sales don’t work with high-ticket selling… ignore this at your own peril!
  • How to turn yourself into a valuable asset to any company - master this and you’ll ALWAYS be in demand, no matter the economy!
  • ​Why high-ticket closing experience is a universally valuable skill… plus how you can stack the odds of a bulletproof career so ridiculously in your favour, you’ll NEVER be out of work!
  • The secret to selling anything to anyone - understand this, and you’ll unlock greater levels of income for your clients AND for yourself!


Every industry has ‘hidden gold’ lurking beneath the surface…

In this chapter, here’s what you’ll unearth:
  • The ‘new gold rush’ industry worth a staggering $217 BILLION where demand outstrips supply… take advantage of this NOW so you never have to worry about finances ever again!
  • The fastest way to escape the 9-5 rat race - get true time freedom and financial freedom in weeks, not years!
  • ​Why anyone can become a successful high-ticket closer, even if you’ve got ZERO selling experience, never sold a thing in your life and have the charisma of Adam Sandler in Waterboy!
  • ​Old-school selling Vs selling high-ticket - why traditional selling KILLS sales and damages your reputation faster than you can blink!
  • The ‘collaborative’ sale that makes you AND the prospect feel good about the sales call - regardless of the outcome
  • The ‘shotgun’ approach to selling that’s killing your sales - and what you should be doing instead


High-ticket requires an altogether different and far more sophisticated approach to selling

Here’s what you’ll uncover in this chapter:
  • How the ‘Always Be Closing’ approach makes your prospects run a mile - and what you should be doing instead 
  • Why ‘Sales as a service’ doesn’t work - more importantly, why it renders you about as useful as a glorified customer sales representative!
  • Don’t believe the myth about giving prospects choice… and why you’re only sabotaging the sale if you do!


Understand how to sell in a far more superior way - one that helps prospects make an informed and empowered buying decision

Specifically, here’s what we’ll cover:
  • Aligning logic and emotion - the ultimate ‘make more sales’ approach to selling high-ticket that doesn’t involve underhanded, slimy and emotionally manipulative sales tactics!
  • Why selling is NOT a process you inflict on the buyer - understand this and you’ll finally start shifting towards monumental success with your prospects
  • The 5 phases of the Inverse Closing Method™ - tried and tested over 150,000 sales calls, this revolutionary method has been responsible for allowing me to personally close over $40m in sales for clients and counting!


Framing a call is one of the most fundamental skills you need to understand as a high-ticket closer as it sets the tone AND the authority positioning of the call

That’s why I cover the following in this chapter:
  • The 2 minute psychological frame - the easy way to establish authority and take control on a sales call and get your prospects closer to a sale without resorting to high-pressure tactics
  • ‘The Status Switch’ - how to use this to assess prospects for whether they’re a good fit for your offer (rather than the other way around!)
  • Why high-energy sales actually KILLS your chances of closing a sale and what you should be doing instead… blowing the myth about ‘needing to be an extravert’ to succeed at sales right out of the water!
  • Being permissive when you open your sales call? It’s literally the worst way to start your call and GUARANTEES your prospect will dominate the call!
  • Traditional Rapport building doesn’t work - not only is it a total myth, but actually turns prospects OFF from wanting to do buy with you!
  • The ONLY frame you should ever use to lead sales calls powerfully and with purpose, moving even ‘difficult’ people into a close
  • Pattern interrupt…Why a traditional sales approach triggers the fight or flight response in prospects and what you should be doing instead to mentally sidestep every ‘predictable’ selling path with your prospects
  • The 2-step expectation disruptor that assumes control of the sales process and gets prospects intrigued to speak to you!
  • How to grab your prospect’s undivided attention so they hang onto every word you say (inevitably making the sale super easy!)


There’s a right way and a completely wrong way to gather the information you need to do a highly effective high-ticket sales call

In this chapter, we’ll look at the following:
  • The #1 technique to overcome ‘sales blind spots’ that can otherwise crush your chances of ever making a sale
  • How to avoid subconsciously distracting prospects from a sale… yes! Do this wrong, and you end up sabotaging the entire sale!
  • The ‘Espionage’ technique of gathering intelligence on prospects - get this right and you’ll have prospects chomping at the bit to buy from you!
  • Reverse-engineering the call so selling becomes super easy - even with difficult prospects
  • The 2-step ‘leverage’ process to help you ask just the right questions without overwhelming your prospect (but giving you everything you need to ask smart questions to secure the sale!)
  • How to orientate the call from get go… Never again be at a loss on what to ask your prospects


Once you’ve got all the information you need from the previous chapter, you’ve now got everything to prime your prospect for the sale

Here’s what you’ll find in this chapter:
  • Frictionless Sales - how to use the ‘wind and sun’ principle to get prospects WANTING to take the next step with you and making the sale super easy (hello commissions!)
  • Creating the case for your prospect to make a decision - the entire sale rests on your ability to to nail THIS entire phase 
  • Why jumping to conclusions about your prospect kills the chances of you ever making a sale - plus what you should be doing instead!
  • Using ‘assumptive tests’ to turn up the emotional heat - the easy way to move prospects off the fence and into making a decision
  • It’s YOUR job to reveal the deep hidden pain points of your prospect - get this wrong and you can kiss your commission check goodbye!
  • Why ‘buying signals’ are false flags and what you should be doing instead to ensure your prospect makes a buying decision
  • Selling is NOT telling - why you MUST make the sale seem like the prospect’s own idea (and how to do it in a way that feels GOOD for them!)
  • Why you MUST avoid the ‘Gaston approach’ to selling at all costs - ignore this and your prospect and making will run a million miles in the opposite direction!
  • ​Why you need to get prospects to a state of ‘change is better than stasis’ to seal the deal perfectly… otherwise you risk prospects ‘staying on the fence’ forever
  • The perfect 2-step ‘pain evoking’ approach that gets prospects to disclose their deepest, darkest worries AND have them ready for buying your solution… and ALL while making it THEIR idea!
  • The ‘Chunking-down’ technique that moves prospects from ‘general ideas’ to specific feelings making it easy to unlock the perfect solution for prospects (they’ll LOVE you for it and practically beg to buy from you!)
  • Objection Inoculation™ - hands-down the most superior way to overcome objections BEFORE they come up (and making the sale 10x easier as a result!)


Getting prospects to a ‘yes’ is a process that rests on the tools and techniques you’ll discover in this chapter:

  • The ‘Implication Phase’ - the entire sales process hinges on THIS… get this wrong and you’ll lose the sale with no chances of winning it back - period!
  • The #1 reason sales fall apart at this stage and what you can do to stop it from happening to YOU!
  • The Yin and Yang approach to closing - Why failure to do this ONE THING can undermine and sabotage your entire sales call… 
  • The easy way to amp up the pain for a prospect and create urgency - closing will become effortless once you use THIS (plus your prospect will THANK YOU once they buy from you!)
  • Psychologically disarm your prospects using THIS one technique - it works so well, you’ll have prospects desperate to buy your solution (and they’ll think it was THEIR own idea!)
  • The 2-step negative implication ‘Reverse FOMO’ effect - a far more effective and superior way of getting prospects to close without having to discount the offer
  • The Two magic words you can use to get prospects super excited for the sale… not only will the sale become easier, your prospects will be excited to get started!
  • The fastest, easiest way to get prospects to close by themselves - and even thank you in the process!


Closing a sale effectively means you need to tie up everything we’ve covered in previous chapters and bring prospects to a resolution

Here's what we’ll focus on the following in this chapter:
  • Securing the sale rests on THIS - screw this up and you’ll have wasted the entire sales call - with no way of clawing it back!
  • Why negative language kills sales - what to say in the final stretch of your sales call… or you risk losing your prospect permanently!
  • The 4 words you MUST NEVER use in a sales pitch - ignore these at your own peril!
  • Fire up enthusiasm in your prospects using two key power words so they’re eager to buy from you
  • Create a positive shift in your prospect towards the sale using a simple but powerful method to propel your prospects into their dream outcome
  • The secret ‘Turkish ownership’ technique that mentally shifts prospects into imaging the outcome they want (do this and see a dramatic spike in your closing ratio!) 
  • Avoid ‘information overload’ with the ‘keep it simple approach’ - the #1 golden rule for making it EASY to get prospects to a ‘yes’ - miss this and you risk confusing and losing your prospects
  • Use the ‘So What’ principle to compel ‘overwhelmed’ prospects into emotionally committing to the sale
  • Why stacking up choices for prospects only leads to analysis paralysis - plus what you should be doing instead to get prospects to a close
  • The #1 mistake even seasoned high-ticket closers make when disclosing the price - do this and you can kiss your full commission goodbye!


Sales on Steroids… Bringing it ALL together

This chapter is all about summarizing everything we’ve covered so far. The key highlights from this chapter include:
  • Why robotically following a script will damage your ability to establish yourself as an authority with the prospect… plus the two things you SHOULD be doing instead to keep and hold your prospects attention
  • The stupid simple approach to ramping up your close rate - start doing this immediately and see a huge improvement in your conversion rate
  • A practical walkthrough of the Inverse Closing Method™ in action - see how the method works with a step-by-step breakdown of a sales call


Mastery & why it pays to develop your selling skills

Here’s what I talk about:
  • Hindsight, insight, foresight - why you need all three to master closing from the outset (and why without these, you’ll never succeed in sales)
  • The 5 step system GUARANTEED to turn you into a master closer - even if you’ve tried everything else before and failed
  • Why ‘winging it’ in sales will kill your chances of a successful career before it’s even properly begun… and what you should be doing instead
  • Got years of selling experience? Why it doesn’t work with high-ticket sales and can, in fact, sabotage your success - period!
  • Why high-ticket closing really is the future of selling… plus why it’s a life-long skill that will take you anywhere in the world!
  • The best places to find high-ticket closer roles online - no, it’s NOT what you think!
  • The easy way to stand out from the crowd of other closers - do THIS and High-ticket Coaches, Experts and Service providers will be falling over themselves to hire you!
Regardless of how badly your sales calls have gone in the past, or how much you’ve struggled to earn commissions before...
The strategies you’ll find in this book are designed to turn everything you know about closing powerfully on its head so you can finally experience greater financial freedom…

But Don’t Just Take My Word For It, Listen To What Others Have Said:

"This book has my earnest endorsement and it’s certainly time for you to throw out “99 Effective Closes” or whatever else is occupying dead space on your bookshelf, and put this book in its place. Adam’s methodology works, and works fast.”
Oren Klaff
Bestselling author of ‘Pitch Anything’ and ‘Flip The Script.’
"We’ve seen amazing results using Adam’s sales team. They’ve been an invaluable asset to Evercoach. In the High Ticket Revolution, Adam reveals his trade secrets to close high-ticket in a sophisticated yet elegant way where clients actually enjoy the experience! It’s a far superior way to sell and I believe having this skill will be a major asset to anyone looking to get to the top of their game in high-ticket closing."
Ajit Nawalkha
CEO – Evercoach
"The High-Ticket Revolution gives you the inside secrets to achieving incredible success as a closer. Adam’s Inverse Closing Method(tm) is unique, effective and powerful – and I can’t believe he’s outlining his entire methodology for other closers to swipe and deploy inside this book."
Peter Sage
Serial Entrepreneur, and Best-Selling Author
“If you want to sell or currently sell a high ticket offer, this is book is an absolute must-read. I’ve seen amazing results of Adam’s method first-hand in my business where Adam trained my team, allowing us to scale our business in record time.”
John Davy
Serial Entrepreneur

The High-Ticket Revolution is based on coaching thousands of closers and sales teams just like you (and from all walks of life) who’ve managed to catapult their sales conversions rates AND income - permanently!

I can tell you from my own personal experience that mastering high-ticket sales has completely changed my life.
Not only do I get to work from home, but I also get to spend a ton of quality time with my wife and son - something my older kids really missed out on early in my career.
In fact, my skills as a master closer has allowed me to:
  • ​Take holidays whenever I want to
  • ​Own my own home outright
  • ​Never have to worry about money - EVER
  • ​Live a good lifestyle around my own personal commitments 
  • ​Have more freedom than I ever thought possible
The Inverse Closing Method™ has changed the trajectory of my life…

Even better, it’s changed the lives of the hundreds of closers I’ve personally trained who now have the same level of lifestyle I currently have…

So, if you want to dramatically ramp up your closing rate with a simple to understand and painless system that feels good for both you and your prospects…

Then grab a copy of my book now!

Be Warned Though, ‘The High-Ticket Revolution’ Is Not A Get Rich Quick Guide!

It’s a book about discovering the delicate and intricate craft of high-ticket closing, changing the way you approach sales, AND gaining mastery in helping prospects make an empowered buying decision.
When you start using it, here’s what will happen:
First, you’ll stop worrying so much about hitting sales targets.
This is crucial for you as it takes the pressure off immediately, helping you to feel way more confident and relaxed when taking calls.
The next thing that’ll happen is this:

You’ll Make More Commissions!

And you'll do it without ever feeling desperate to close a sale or feeling ‘icky’ from having pressured someone into buying.
That's because the approach I give you helps you to change the way you think and approach sales - period.
This means you’ll stop feeling resistance on sales calls…

Prospects will be happy to speak to you

More importantly, they’ll THANK YOU for giving them the opportunity to buy!

And you’ll finally STOP losing even supposedly ‘easy sales’ (while effortlessly closing the tough ones)!
It’s a completely different way of closing…
Seriously, this is powerful stuff!
And if you’re thinking you can’t afford to buy this book, my question to you is this – can you afford NOT to?

Here's What To Do Next

The ‘cost’ of this book is just $5.95, and you’ll get instant access to the digital PDF download.
As soon as you place your order, I’ll also send you an email with additional tips and strategies to making you a master at sales. 
Oh, and in case you're wondering...


I realize it’s very right about now, you might be wondering what the "catch" is.
You might have experienced other book deals that stuck you into some membership program with a recurring monthly fee...
But this is NOT one of them.
There's NO hidden program you automatically get signed up for or anything else at all you have to buy.
I've decided to offer you this entire book for just $5.95, so you can see for yourself how easy it is to change the way you close sales.
My hope is you’ll love it, get amazing results, and we’ll do more business together in the future.
But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Is A Limited-Time Offer!

Frankly, the contents of this book is so valuable that I could easily sell it for $17 or even $27, but I don’t want to do that.
I’ve packed as much value as possible into this little book and I feel confident you’ll love it and will want to do more business with me down the road.
I stand by the quality of my work which is why I’m going to offer you a really awesome guarantee...

The BOLDEST Guarantee in “The History of Guarantees”

I 100% guarantee you'll love this eBook, or I’ll refund your $5.95 and let you keep the eBook anyway.

That’s right. If you’re unhappy for any reason, you don’t even have to return anything.

Just email me, and I’ll refund your $5.95, no questions asked.

How’s that for fair?

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before They're All Gone!

Talk Soon!
Adam Cerra
P.S. Just in case you’re like me and skipped to the end of the letter, here's the deal:
I'm offering you a life-changing book that outlines how to catapult your closing rate when selling high-ticket and do it in a way that feels good - without the high-pressure sales tactics that usually send prospects running a mile… 

Yes, this will even work for you if you’ve taken countless other sales programs and not seen a difference in your closing rate and commissions. 

And if you’re thinking ‘I already have a good closing rate right now’...I’ll put it like this:

This book isnt about the sales you’ve closed… it’s about the ones you've LOST... 

It’s based on my Inverse Closing Method™ which is currently responsible for my team of closers doing over a £1m/month in sales for my private clients. 
The book is just $5.95 and will be available for instant download.
In fact, if you don't like the eBook, let me know and I'll refund your cost immediately. You don't even need to return anything.
Click here and claim your copy now. I’m not sure at which chapter you will recognise this is the best choice for you..
DISCLAIMER: Any figures stated above are the results the closers who’ve been personally trained by me have done. I’m not suggesting you’ll duplicate them. Most people who buy any “how to” information get little to no results, especially if they aren’t willing to follow the suggested strategies and work hard. All successful businesses incur risks and require persistence and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.
UK: +442034116110 US: +19173823711
© 2023 Copyright. Adam Cerra. All Rights Reserved.
Handcrafted with ❤️ in the UK by Ed Evan Rich.